harlequin - sent from the sky

we all have to train to take life with humour - you can find inspiration everywhere…


the way through life

rain left a trace of guidance on a road in the countryside - doesn’t matter where - it’s just a symbol for trusting, that the right guidance appears in life, at the right moment, at the right time…

stream of guidance

stream of guidance

border control

the border - manmade

this scenary made me think, a clean and clear cut, two completely different surfaces and this glove kind of walking the line- thinking of the US/Mexico border, officers with gloves, not touching the untouchables, not touching the world…



a dreamlike atmosphere at the empty beach of Gavá…the moonlight adds some silver tones that look mysterious…what happened here during the day with all the footprints left on the sand?



lots of lines and related structures, an interesting mixture of colors that give this space a special feeling - streets of London, full of views of interest, views that trigger thoughts and considerations…

Rain forest

rainforest under heavy clouds with a few sunbeams shining through_ enjoy the light…

image taken in Cologne…



motives are everywhere, like this one in a bathroom, a straw cover wrinkled up, looking in my eyes like a mermaid at the surface…
